Religious Discrimination

Under California’s Workplace Religious Freedom Act (WRFA) of 2012, which expanded the protections outlined in the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 at the federal level, it is illegal for employers to treat individuals unfairly due to their religion, religious creed, observances, beliefs, garments, or grooming practices. 

Examples of religious discrimination include refusal to hire or promote, unfair termination, biased enforcement of workplace policies, denial of training opportunities, or discrimination in employment conditions and benefits. These protections extend beyond direct employment to labor organizations, unions, and training programs. Employers are also required to provide reasonable accommodations for religious beliefs or observances, unless doing so would cause “undue hardship” to the business. 

If your employer is discriminating against you or someone you know based on religion, contact us immediately.

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