Product Defect Injuries

Defective or faulty products can lead to serious and even fatal injuries. California’s Product liability law holds manufacturers and others in the supply chain responsible when consumers are harmed by defective products. Common product defects involve a wide range of items, including household items, auto parts, children’s products, e-cigarettes, medications, medical devices, and various consumer electronics.
Product liability claims generally fall into three categories: (a) design defects (flaws in the original product concept), (b) manufacturing defects (errors during production), and (c) marketing defects (inadequate warnings or instructions).
Liability for product defect claims fall under numerous theories depending on the nature of the harm. Negligence claims require proving that the product defect was the direct cause of injury and that such injury was reasonably foreseeable. Strict liability claims, often used for manufacturing defects, rely on the product’s defective nature. Breach of warranty claims are based on the implied promise that products are free from unsafe defects. To prove a product liability claim, it’s necessary to demonstrate that the injury resulted from negligence by parties such as manufacturers, designers, distributors, or retailers.
In some cases, individuals may have the option to file an individual lawsuit or join a class action. The choice depends on the specific circumstances of the case, the extent of individual damage, and the potential for a wider impact on consumer safety.
If you or someone you know suffered an injury from a defective product, contact us immediately.
We protect your rights!