We Paid Millions of Dollars in referral fees to our trusted partners.

At Protection Law Group, partnerships are important to us. In fact, the majority of our cases are referred to us from partnering law firms. Either in referring us a case to solely handle, or associating us in as counsel, referring firms know that we provide excellent and aggressive legal representation and obtain the best results for clients both in single plaintiff employment cases and wage and hour class actions.
Our goal is to establish life-long relationships with partnering firms, not one-off referrals. To do so, we provide partnering firms generous fee arrangements coupled with the pinnacle of legal representation to forge strong, reliable and ongoing business relationships.

Work With Us And You Get A Partner
Understanding nuanced and complex legal issues

Promptly Paid Fees
Finally, we promptly pay referral fees. As soon as the settlement funds clear, partnering firms can rest assured knowing that a referral check is on the way. Moreover, accompanying the referral fee payment is a detailed breakdown of how we calculate the amount. Referring firms receive their referral payments promptly and accurately without any muddy waters regarding what we owe you for your loyal partnership.
We are Specialized
With decades of experience, we are specialized in employment law focusing on wage and hour class actions and singe plaintiff discrimination, harassment, and retaliation claims. In working with us your client will receive the best legal representation.
We Provide Routine Updates
We provide referring firms with routine updates. We understand that some cases are referred to us on the fly. We don’t want firms to feel any uncertainty regarding whether we took on the case or where the case posture currently stands. We promptly inform referring firms if we take on their case and we keep them in the loop with frequent progress reports. PLG’s partners directly handle all referred cases and are available to discuss a referred case at any time.
Third, we are available to discuss potential cases if a referring firm requires more information or simply wants to learn more about labor and employment law. Whether you are inquiring about potential retaliation, discrimination, or harassment or whether you want to know if there is a meal break, rest period, or regular rate violation, our partners are more than happy to provide insight and guidance.